Virtual Holiday Party

Virtual Holiday Party

Join us for our safe holiday party! Email us at for zoom login information. After we enjoy our 2019-2020 video of our herping adventures, we will share stories about our herps… it’s open mic night! At the end of the meeting Vice President Grayson Kent will share his DVD of Dragonheart in honor of Sean Connery. Hope to see you there!

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Personnel & Animal Welfare Committee Meeting 2-5-2020

Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee Meeting 2-5-2020 By SWHS Legislation Chair Alyssa Ganezer Prohibition on the Exhibition of Wild or Exotic Animals Passed From Committee to Full LA City Council             Since 2017, the Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee of Los Angeles’s city council has been considering a ban on the exhibition of wild or exotic animals for entertainment and amusement. The Southwest Herpetologists Society only found out about it or its full implication this past October.             At the PAW meeting on February 5, 2020, the ordinance was passed along for consideration by the full LA City Council, albeit with instructions to the Department of Animal Services to work… Read More

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