Our Objectives
- To enhance the education of the members and the general public concerning the roles of amphibians and reptiles in the natural world.
- To promote the conservation of reptiles and amphibians in particular, as well as all wildlife in general.
- To provide information for the closer cooperation between amateur and professional herpetologists, that they may work together for the promotion of the science of herpetology.
Our Story
Founded in 1954 in Orange County, the Southwestern Herpetologists Society has met continuously in a variety of locations over the years. The Society’s Los Angeles Chapter meets in Van Nuys, California the first Wednesday of each month.
Membership in SWHS is open to anyone interested in the study and conservation of reptiles and amphibians.
Board of Directors and Committee Chairs

Jordan Landsberg – BOD President
I’m Jordan. I have been keeping reptiles for many years and a member of the Herp Society for 4 years. I have 4 snakes, a bearded dragon, tree frogs, a created gecko, 2 tarantulas and a colony of Madagascar hissing roaches. I am a registered Veterinary Technician.

Grayson Kent – LA Chapter President, BOD Vice President
Owner of Rock n Roll Reptiles and instructor.

John Saint John – Adoptions Chairman, Outreach Committee, LA Chapter Vice President, BOD Rep
I have always been interested in Herpetology since I was a child. My family and I have always had a herp or several over the years; my favorite being Kingsnakes. I also house the adoption animals for the society. I have been in the Society on and off since 74. I wish to welcome everyone visiting this page to attend one of our meetings to say hello. We are always excited to meet like-minded people and are more than willing to help others with their pets.

Wes Pollock – BOD Past President
I hope to help my fellow SWHS members spread knowledge and increase awareness of our scaly and slimy friends. The information being brought forth from general keepers as well as professionals is opening new worlds for today’s Herpetophiles, bringing previously unknown or unavailable species right into our living rooms either as living examples of the bounty of nature or through our media preferences.

Peggy Wu – BOD Secretary,
Membership Chairman, Outreach Committee, LA Chapter Secretary
I have an albino California King Snake named Pinkie, a young gopher snake named Sequoia, a Dumeril’s Boa named Mo, and a leopard gecko named River who go to Education Outreach events with me. In the time I have been a member, I have met some wonderful people who love animals, take action for conservation, and reach out to the community via education events and finding homes for abandoned herps. This is a great group of hard working herpers and I’ve learned so much from them already.
William Wu – BOD Treasurer
I’m not a herper, but my wife Peggy is. I help the Society by doing their taxes, and lots of loading and unloading her car for Outreach Events and meetings. Also, we published a fundraiser book for the Society and other animal rescues in the Los Angeles area.

Alyssa Ganezer – Newsletter Editor, Legislation Chairman, Outreach Committee, LA Chapter Officer at Large, LA BOD Rep
I’m new to herping, but have acquired a corn snake and a ball python to keep my bearded dragon company since joining this group, both from the adoption program. The wonderful people here have taught me so much, which I enjoy passing on at our outreach events.
Rande Gallant – Publications Chairman and Historian, LA Chapter Master at Arms
I am a long term member of the Society and have held a variety of roles over the years. Currently I am the Publications Chair and hold a collection of historical SWHS publications.